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Packing & moving

we can help you sort out the multiple options that are out there

You don't have to do this alone



selling your home


Christopher S Vick
Licensed Real Estate Broker

we can help you sort out the multiple options that are out there


At Seniors 1st Realty we help seniors & their families navigate the maze of financial, emotional & logistical issues in all facets of real estate.  Chris also does more than your average REALTOR to sell inherited homes and those included in Estates. Our goal is to ease the burden for families by overseeing the entire process.

We are a very small, boutique firm that specializes in handling all of the details in complicated or emotional real estate transactions.  We'll never be a big firm.  We're not trying to be the biggest, just the best for your situation.

Benefits of using SENIORS 1ST REALTY includes:

Customized approach to your situation that fits in with your overall life plan.

Awareness of options like senior-based communities and aging in place needs.

SENIORS 1ST REALTY can be the professional real estate firm that actually works for the client and has the experience and training to understand the unique challenges facing seniors when it comes to housing. We can help you to plan ahead and the challenges that face seniors as they age with regards to balancing finances, mobility, health, and personal needs. Chris has also been trained to understand that the right housing for today may not meet your needs a few years down the road.   There are three main ways in which SENIORS 1ST REALTY can guide you in planning your future housing needs: 

SENIORS 1ST REALTY will refer you to the specialist you need.

As part of the commitment to meeting a senior’s needs as a housing counselor and following no pressure sales tactics, SENIORS 1ST REALTY will refer you to a specialist outside of real estate when needed in order to ensure you get the help you need when planning for the future. All at no cost nor referral fees. 

Chris is an aging in place specialist.  If you determine that aging in place is your best option, he can help you make a plan for modifications to your existing home in order to make your home safe and comfortable as you age.  Likewise, when dealing with financial options, Chris can refer you to financial specialists to handle financial solutions for your particular needs.

Seniors 1st Realty agents have a deep well of resources that benefit you as an older buyer. A network of home inspectors, movers, attorneys, and CPA's experienced with Seniors ensures the entire buying process, from purchasing to moving in, goes as smoothly as possible.

Ready to sell:

Selling your home at this stage in life can be complex and highly emotional. Your Seniors 1st Realty agents knows how to simplify things and support you every step of the way.

Simplifying the Selling Process:

There are a lot of moving parts in action when selling your home. For seniors, the often complex process can be made more difficult due to physical and financial limitations, and the strong emotions connected to your family home. Having an SENIORS 1ST REALTY at your side can simplify selling your home every step of the way.

Five Essential Steps of Selling:

*Pricing considerations

*Staging your home

*Showing your home

*Negotiating the sale and closing

*Packing and moving

Price is one thing, but how you show off your home can be the difference between closing a deal and watching one walk away. Staging your home means presenting it in the best light. Sprucing up the curb appeal, giving the inside a new shine. This usually takes place before the For Sale sign goes up. Your SENIORS 1ST REALTY knows what buyers are looking for and can help you get your home looking its best.

Some ways your SENIORS 1ST REALTY may suggest you go about staging your home are:

Light landscaping (weeding, trimming, mowing the lawn, etc.)

Making necessary or cosmetic repairs (leaky faucets, sticky doors, etc.)

Hiring a service to thoroughly clean attic-to-basement

Rearranging rooms so they appear bigger

Putting valued possessions in a safe place Pricing Considerations

The listing price of your home is often the first thing buyers notice. Setting the right price is an important first step. Your SENIORS 1ST REALTY will analyze your home, compare it to the local market, and consider your unique financial situation to arrive at a competitive selling price that benefits you and your family.

Negotiating the Sale and Closing:

It’s exciting when an offer is made on your home. But sometimes, especially when it’s a buyer’s market—when sellers outnumber buyers—the offer may not be what you hoped. How do you know if the offer is reasonable and should be considered, and how do you begin negotiations?

 Your SENIORS 1ST REALTY agent will be notified of the offer and present it to you. They understand the local market and are familiar with your needs so they are well equipped to help you determine if the offer should be accepted, declined, or if negotiations should begin.

Packing and Moving:

Moving out of your family home can be overwhelming. Not just the organizational and physical parts but the emotional part, too. Old possessions can trigger a lot of memories making it difficult to decide what comes with you and what is given a farewell. Family members can help you through this process but sometimes a third-party specialist is what you need.

Your SENIORS 1ST REALTY can put you in touch with professional services that can:

*Determine how much can fit into a new home
*Help make decisions on what to keep and what to leave
*Manage the packing, moving and unpacking process

Our goal is to ease the burden for families by overseeing the entire process.
We want you to rest assured that you Don’t have to do this alone.

age in place